As the psychologist sitting across the desk from me was debriefing me on the results of the four hours of I Q and psyche testing I had completed early that morning, I thought, “here I go again…another fine mess I’ve jumped into.” I had not just sought out this new adventure; I had been on a ten-year odyssey to achieve it.
I’ve been a high-risk taker my whole adult life; while racing dune buggies the thousand-mile length of the unforgiving Baja Mexico peninsula, making full-hardy investments and being an electrical contractor working with dangerous high-voltage wiring. My loving wife Suzanne will ask, “aren’t you ever going to act your age?” Which I reply, tongue in cheek, “if it wasn’t for calendars and mirrors how old would anyone really be?”
The attractive lady PHD in her late forties looked up from the paperwork and smiled at me. “Your Wonderlic score was high…interesting your career choice…you could have done my job,” she said. After the blush left my face I said, “not good a crazy testing other crazies.” She smiled again. “For all the bad things you have overcome in the past…it’s amazing on your positive outlook.”
To me life is an adventurous journey. My only goal in life is to have another goal. All humans are pyramid builders. First you build your foundation. For lucky people that base level would be your family and your God. The next levels are for your experiences and friends. How you fit the pieces together is the key. Some people putty their blocks together with mortar of lies and deceit, making the joints weak and destined to fail. Smart people hew the surface of each stone surface (friend, experience) to mirror the one next to it, making mortar or glue unnecessary.
On my pyramid there can never be a capstone.
I’m always looking for the next BIG THING.
Life is a rush!
Great post! What is Wonderlic? Looking forward to your next big rush!
ReplyDeleteWonderlic is the standard IQ test a lot of people us...The NFL to test furture draft choices, the government.
ReplyDeleteWe Learn something
ReplyDeletenew everyday!